Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Back Where I Was

Last Spring, I had big plans. I was going end out the school year well, springboard into summer, and lose all the weight. I mean, I even wrote a, admittedly fairly uninspiring, post about it.  Actually, re-reading that maybe sheds some light onto why it didn't pan out: I wasn't excited about it. But, that's for another day.

So, at least in my head anyways, I had these plans. Oh man, they were going to be great. I was going to come back to school in August, and everyone would take notice that I was in shape. New year, new Mr. Hoffmann, all that good stuff.

Except, I gained 7 pounds over the summer. Suddenly, my plans for my pants to fit easier was no more. I suppose seeing the scale at 257 was something of a wake-up call. When you are technically not supposed to use ladders, kayaks, and various other things, on account of being above 250 pounds, it is a shock to the system.

So, I put in the efforts. I started using the elliptical (I seriously love the elliptical), used some weights, tracked food on Lose It, and have been doing so since the beginning of August.

And now, I'm down to 249.

I'm excited, the scale reads under 250. But, part of me is sad too. This was where I thought I'd be starting from. I think about those 8 pounds and think of where I'd be if they were lost from 250.

Of course, 249 isn't the end goal. 240 isn't the end goal. I still have a ways to go the reach that. But hey, a start is a start. I need to keep pushing, keep at it. That is what I plan to do this time around.

Here's to the next eight pounds.

Saturday, August 20, 2016

On working out for ten days straight

My school year is only three days old, but I already feel great about it. Seriously, all three days I felt amazing. I felt energized (well, until 3:30), on top of things, and just like I was in a good place.

Part of this is that it is year 3. I'm more confident, more sure of myself. Most of the kids have had me for two years, so that's nice. But another part of it is that I am working out.

According to the FitBit, I have worked out for ten straight days. A lot of these days, I did either the elliptical or weights, plus yoga. Some days were just yoga. But, regardless,  I am being active.

I started waking up at 5:30, before school, to get a work out in. I did this all three days to begin the year, and am proud to say I didn't hit snooze once. (Note I didn't say I wasn't tempted...) I got up, put in between 40 minutes to an hour of exercise,  and then was ready for the day.

When I got home,  I did a day of Yoga Camp. Yoga is not strenuous, but I think I'm using it more as a destresser more than anything.  I don't log every yoga workout,  but no doubt it has helped me.

Since starting this routine, along with watching what I eat, I am down five pounds. Unfortunately,  these are not the same five pounds, as I had gained more weight since that post, but I am back down to around where I was last year (~250 lbs.)

It will be a challenge to keep this up through the school year. I certainly don't expect to work out every day. School years tend to get into long stretches that are hard. But, if I can remember that this is making me happy, maybe I can stick with it.

I was talking to a student on Friday who was really wanting the day to end. She asked how my day was going. "It's going great," I responded. "Why?" I talked about my routine, how it gets the blood flowing, releases endorphins. 

It's a small start, but a small start is needed when going for big goals.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Looking back to look ahead

I have become somewhat addicted to Timehop,  the app that lets you look back at your social media posts throughout the years. And five years ago, I discovered that I was running. Six miles even! I believe I was training for a half marathon then.

After that half marathon, I stopped working out. I was back at school full time and working the over night shift at a hotel. I was tired all the time. It was not unheard of for "dinner" to be a large pizza at 2 am. I downed a lot of pop to stay awake. Not to make excuses, but it's not like I look at my body now and wonder how I got here. I know perfectly well.

However, looking back at this gives me encouragement. I did this before. It made me happy! I talked about this yesterday. Exercising makes me happy (which, if you read the science, makes a lot of sense. Endorphins and all that). 

I need to work hard to get to a point where running isn't an instant way to wreck my joints (I want to lose ~25 pounds first). But I'm doing low impact stuff. Yoga, elliptical, cycling. Hopefully that, along with a diet, will get me down to running weight again, and then I can continue to get healthy. To do that, I have to continue to find the joy in exercising, be happy with the improvements, and not get discouraged with the occasional step back. 

Until then, as I said years ago, Beat Yeaterday!

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Why this time will be different.

I was going to title this post "Back at it", but then I saw the last post, from March, is titled "Back in the Saddle". So...

The question can be asked, why will this time be different? I've started and stopped so many times. Why will this be the time I make it happen and stick with some sort of fitness routine?

One is, I'm starting to find the fun in it. I recently started Yoga Camp on Youtube. I am five days in. It's been thirty minutes each time. The instructor is good, very calming. One thing I really appreciate is that she tells you to find what feels good. A lot of times with fitness workout videos, you feel that if you don't hit a certain mark , you miss out on something. Maybe you do, but there is a lot to be said about finding your own way and putting in the effort.

One other thing that I enjoy is that each day is different. I have a yoga DVD, but after awhile, it becomes too similar and boring. Changing up the routine provides a challenge and keeps it fresh.

I haven't decided if I'll do yoga before school or after school. We shall see what works starting next week. At any rate, I discovered this morning that I can touch my toes, so...something is working.

I will also add in the elliptical and kettle bell workouts as well. Some free weights. I was thinking I would 30-60 minutes of something when I get up in the morning, plus some when I get home.

One thing that I know that I have to do is carve out time for this. And frankly, that will be as hard as I make it. And if I am finding the fun in exercise, then it shouldn't be too hard. "I'm going to go have fun," shouldn't be a hard thing to do.

I have to commit to myself. But, that said, I have to recognize that I am not perfect.

Will I miss a day of workouts? Yes. Will I have a day where I eat too much? Yes. In the last, I let one day become one week, and then the progress of a month is wasted. No more. Mistakes will happen, but they can't define me as I try and redefine myself.

I try to be a positive person. I wasn't for a lot of years, and it wasn't all that fun. So, I try to be positive. But, I have to admit that this summer was disappointing. I didn't put in the work. I let there be too many bad days.  I talked a big game, made lots of plans and promises, but in the end, I didn't come through.

At this point, I need to come through. I need to carve out the time. Because, one of these days, I won't be able to talk myself into jumping back on the wagon unless I make some changes now.