Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Proof of dedication

My last post was a little pessimistic, though I would call it a realistic look at where I stand heading into the new year. I thought I might follow up with the story of today to show that I am a little more dedicated to the cause.

Well, kind of. You'll see.

Today was a fun day. My wife and I went to see Star Wars. As awesome as that was, it is not exactly a high intensity workout. Not adding to it was the late lunch at Red Robbin.

Now, I have started to re-use the Lose It App. And as much as I enjoyed my burger, I knew it was going to hurt my calorie in take. When I put in my meal into Lose It, it totaled over 1,000 calories. After I added in dinner (manicotti, my favorite) I was over my calorie budget by 1,300. Not exactly a ringing start to my new commitment.

After dinner, I felt very full and kind of gross. But, I figured I could at least attempt to do something about it. So, down to the basement I went. I stepped while listening to Serial. I then hopped on the elliptical and watched football for an hour while racking up four miles on that. All told, it was a two hour workout.

I'm not sure how Lose It figures its exercise, but I received a FitBit bonus of about 400 calories, bringing me down to just 900 over. Still a bad day, but I didn't just accept feeling disgusting and fat, I worked at it. I made a dent into it. Yesterday, I was actually 500 calories under, so I am a net positive of 400 for the week. That is erasable.

I have written before that I know the task ahead of me is large. And while I may not be off to the best if starts, I figure I should celebrate a step in the right direction.

Monday, December 28, 2015

2015 comes to a close

Here we are, the end of the year. This was the year of the FitBit, the year I bought an elliptical, the year of big proclamations about losing weight and getting back to running shape.

It hasn't happened.

As of today, I weigh 252 pounds. I get winded going up stairs. If I'm being realistic, maybe I should buy clothes in the XXL size. For actually working at a resolution to lose weight, this year cannot be classified as anything but a disappointment.

But, I see that I have two choices. One, I can accept this. I can stay fat, guzzle pop, eat fast food, let dust accumulate on my exercise equipment, and just accept that this is who I am.

Or, I can take it seriously. If I look back on the year, I don't think I did that. When I got knocked off my long streak of days with 10,000 steps, it took me forever to get back to it. I drank pop, I didn't track what I ate, I'd snack mindlessly.

If I want to see results, I need to adopt a more laser like focus on this. I need to watch what I eat. I need to cut some things out of my diet entirely. I need to push myself more when I work out
I need to add in more exercises. I need to lift weights, do yoga, focus on abs.

I'll be headed home after visiting my parents at the end of this week. I'd really like it when I came back in the summer for there to be a noticeable difference. Maybe I should put a goal on it. Or maybe, for now, what I need is to have the goal of starting a trend within myself.

Either way, I feel as if I need to get serious about it now. Or else I may never get serious about it at all.