Tuesday, September 30, 2008


I took a week off from running, because I'm incredibly dumb about this whole training-for-a-half-marathon thing. But, I got back in the saddle today and ran five miles.

I did not stop once, I did not walk any of it. 

Not that I was blazing through it, it still took awhile. I'd really like to know how to a) not get pain in my lower back when I run and b) see what I can do on these runs without it. 

For now though, its an accomplishment that I'm proud of. I was able to mentally block out those things that told me to stop. I should be on the bike tomorrow, we'll see how it goes.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Wednesday Weigh-in...about time

Are you checking this blog every Wednesday, only to not see my weight posted for all of the Interwebs to see? Does that make you sad? Angry? However it makes you feel, I apologize.

I clock in at 203, which is a pound lighter than the last time I did this, back in early August. So, I've hit a wall you might say. 

Anyway, still on the 5-mile runs, but it felt better today. Early next week I'll go for six. 

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I finally did it

After about three months of saying "tomorrow, I'm getting up early and going for a run" I did it. I departed for my run at about 9:00, which for me is early. The temperature was low, the humidity was non-existent, and I felt pretty good considering I hadn't run in awhile.

Set out for five miles and handled it well. We'll try it again Friday morning. Wasn't tired throughout the day either, which was good. 

I'll be trying the bike in the morning tomorrow, see if I can keep it going.

In other news...75 days until the half-marathon. It is time to get in gear.


Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Not a good week

This hasn't been a good week for training. Besides the usual business, I had a bum ankle over the weekend, am sick today, and go on a brief vacation on Friday. Hopefully I can duck in something tomorrow afternoon.

I did sign up for the half marathon, so ready or not, I'm going 13.1 miles in November. I am getting three months worth subscriptions to Runners' World, Running Times, and Bicycling. Rock.

Speaking of rock....

Modest Mouse...Dashboard. I approve of the mic as a hand.

Sorry for the ad, but the music industry's failure to grasp the Internet makes finding enbedable videos hard.