Sunday, March 13, 2016

Back in the Saddle Again

2016 started well. I lost seven pounds. I was tracking food. I was working out consistently.

And then February happened.

OK, so maybe I can't say that 2016 had started well if the second month of the year knocked me off my game, but I mean, seven pounds. I was seeing results. And then, two trips helped me slip back into bad eating habits.I gave in to temptation and picked up pop again. I got sick with a flu/cold/schools are the testing labs for biological warfare and that zapped my motivation for working out.

Of the seven pounds lost, five have come back. This morning's weigh in was an eye opener for sure.

So, I've climbed back into it. Starting today. I did the Anarchy workout from Men's Health this morning. I'll have a smoothie for breakfast. I'll work back to a good lifestyle and see results again.