Monday, June 9, 2008

Does work really make you unfit?

There's the thought that we, as Americans, would be incredibly fit, lean mean, Tour de France riding, marathon running machines if we just didn't have to sit behind a desk all day. Those people might be on to something.

The pedometer, which is slowly getting reviewed in steps, has a nifty little feature that allows you to recall previous days. Its quite telling.

Monday-1,387 steps
Sunday-2,820 steps
Saturday-3,639 steps

None of those are huge totals, but....

Saturday I had the full day off, was able to mow the lawn and do some grocery shopping. Sunday was a half work day, and Monday was a full day at wok.

The steps you take, and the calories you burn without thinking about it count just as much as the one's that you actively try to annihilate. Though its quite possible to go on a quick walk around the block or something, its quite telling.

Perhaps in terms of fitness, we're more productive when not at work?

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