Saturday, June 7, 2008

Bruised toes and pedometers

Since my declaration a week ago of training for a half marathon I have done....


Its embarrassing how inactive I've been. And now, I might not go running for a few more days.

I stubbed my toe Friday morning. It hurt all day, which I thought was bizarre. After work, I headed down to Carbondale to celebrate a birthday. By the time I got home (3 am), my shoe had been on my foot for quite sometime. I took off the shoe and sock on my right foot. My little toe was a nice purple color and a bit swollen. Seems I stubbed it pretty good. It still hurts pretty good, so I don't want to push off on a running stride with it.

Walking is fine though. And it just so happened that today was lawn mowing day. Also, my pedometer arrived in the mail, so I was eager to put it to use. After setting it up, I clipped it on and set out to mow the lawn. A fairly warm, humid day, so worked up a good sweat.

Final totals: 1,762 steps. 0.8 miles. Not bad, not bad at all.

The pedometer is pretty nice. The belt clip slipped a few times, but it eventually got corrected. I like the device so far, and I'll keep you posted on how the pedometer works. An official review coming up later on.

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