Monday, April 21, 2008

The day after

Well, I didn't properly rehydrate after yesterday's run, mostly because I'm lightly retarded. This led to a massive headache throughout most of the afternoon. I finally downed a gatorade and some water before bed. I slept pretty well and this morning the headache was gone. Moral of the story: drink water, moron.

This morning, both my legs and abs are fairly stiff. I was going to blame this on lactic acid, but that, I guess is not the case.

Its harder to move around today, but its not bad. I expected this to happen. Going from not working out to 20 minutes of working out isn't going to be easy on the body. I'll stretch things out tonight, maybe go for a walk this evening, and try to bring the legs back to a comfortable level before I head out again.

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