Sunday, November 30, 2008

Seattle Half Marathon: A Recap

It was an absolutely gorgeous day for running in Seattle today. A bit foggy along Lake Washington, but overall, a great day to run. The Hoffmann family gathered at some weird hour of the morning that I tend to avoid and set off for 13.1 miles.

There were a lot of racers out there today and between the full marathon walk which for some reason started 10 minutes before the half marathon run, it was a sea of people heading down Fifth Avenue.

My foot injury did not rear its ugly head during the run, but I defiantly felt the affects of not being able to train for a few weeks prior to the race. After some big hills and some foot pain (just from it striking the ground over and over again, nothing big) though I was exhausted. This was at about mile 9. I kept trying to get through the wall, but my legs didn't respond to that very much. By mile 10 I was walking and not at a fast pace. My dad was with me the whole time, so he's probably feeling good today. We ended up running the last 1/4 mile which was good. I crossed the line at 3:15. Not the pace I was looking for, but I wasn't at my peak either. I'll take a bit of time off, join a gym and get back to it in mid-December.

At any rate, I have a medal and another t-shirt, plus some sore muscles. Wonder when I get to do it again?


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