Friday, August 1, 2008

This is getting hard

I've done good on my no fast food kick. However, I have to admit, its starting to get hard.

A few guys at work just went over to Hardee's and I can taste those burgers. I'm a big fan of cheeseburgers, they're great. Fast food, while unhealthy, is delicious. I'm a fan, so to speak. So, while I've done good so far, the temptation is starting to grow.

I'll see if I can hold off though. It'll be tough, but I think I can get through the month. Tempation is setting in though.

In other news, I really need to start running again. I've been lazy. Heat index is supposed to get insane next week, so I may try to run in the mornings and avoid it that way. We'll see how it goes.

Belated Wednesday weigh-in: Actually conducted on Wednesday, but not reported. 206 pounds. Even while lazy, the no fast food has paid off.

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