Wednesday, July 9, 2008


So, I had been kind of sluggish this week, so I thought I'd go out for a 3 mile run, push myself a bit, and call it good. The run was nice, I got some sweating done, did walk a bit, but not much.

Then I got home and saw I was averaging 14 minutes per mile. On top of that, I still felt pretty good, like I could maybe run another mile.

So, I did.

I went out and ran my one mile loop with the hope of getting home in 10 minutes. I got back in 11, but called it good. It was a high tempo run, and unlike the first run, I was drained afterwards.

Though, not tired enough to forget the day. I come in a 210 this week.

Good workout today, I'm feeling pretty good about this running thing.

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