I've neglected this blog since February.
I've gained a lot of my weight back since February.
I could make this a fitness blog where I only talk about my successes, but that isn't fair to you, the reader. It isn't fair to me either, as it gives me the false impression that I'm doing everything right.
I've gotten kind of lazy about working out. My good Lose it habit (which got over 70 days) has fallen by the wayside. I'll be good on working out on Monday (start this week off right!) and then decide I'd rather sleep then get up. I even let my Fit bit streak end, because why not take this spiral for a good, long ride?
Back in November, I went to a conference and saw some people for the first time since I started up again. At that time, I was down 20 pounds. They noticed the change right away. Getting that recognition helped a lot. I had some plans to really blow my family away come Easter. If my trend continued, I could be 200 pounds when I stepped off the plane in Portland. That would be nearly 60 pounds lighter.
Then I hit a plateau, where working out didn't help me as much. This is normal, from what I've read, but it was frustrating. And then, well, the stress of teaching and a busy winter set in, and I let things go.
I stepped off the plane in Portland having gained 10 of those pounds back.
So, here were are in May. I'm not quite back to square one, but it's closer than I'd ever want. I'm ready to change that. So, here's the plan...
1) Get back on Lose It. Tracking food is a big part of this, and knowing where I stand calorie wise is a big deal. I know it had helped me make better food decisions in the past.
2) Work out. Don't hit snooze on the alarm clock. I had been getting up at 5 for a reason.
3) I'm going to do 10 minute abs from my Fitbit each day this month. See what happens.
4) We are finally getting good weather, which means I can bike again. I think I was getting bored of doing the same things. Biking will help.
5) Blog about it. If I'm more active on here, then maybe, just maybe, I'm being better about things on the fitness end.
Let's see how this shakes out. Today, I did the warm up and 10 minute abs on my Fitbit, then a 20 minute kettlebell workout. I should feel that work all day, which is a good feeling.
I'll keep you posted, hopefully on good returns.
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