My school year is only three days old, but I already feel great about it. Seriously, all three days I felt amazing. I felt energized (well, until 3:30), on top of things, and just like I was in a good place.
Part of this is that it is year 3. I'm more confident, more sure of myself. Most of the kids have had me for two years, so that's nice. But another part of it is that I am working out.
According to the FitBit, I have worked out for ten straight days. A lot of these days, I did either the elliptical or weights, plus yoga. Some days were just yoga. But, regardless, I am being active.
I started waking up at 5:30, before school, to get a work out in. I did this all three days to begin the year, and am proud to say I didn't hit snooze once. (Note I didn't say I wasn't tempted...) I got up, put in between 40 minutes to an hour of exercise, and then was ready for the day.
When I got home, I did a day of Yoga Camp. Yoga is not strenuous, but I think I'm using it more as a destresser more than anything. I don't log every yoga workout, but no doubt it has helped me.
Since starting this routine, along with watching what I eat, I am down five pounds. Unfortunately, these are not the same five pounds, as I had gained more weight since that post, but I am back down to around where I was last year (~250 lbs.)
It will be a challenge to keep this up through the school year. I certainly don't expect to work out every day. School years tend to get into long stretches that are hard. But, if I can remember that this is making me happy, maybe I can stick with it.
I was talking to a student on Friday who was really wanting the day to end. She asked how my day was going. "It's going great," I responded. "Why?" I talked about my routine, how it gets the blood flowing, releases endorphins.
It's a small start, but a small start is needed when going for big goals.
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